You folks are doing a fantastic job spreading the word about the FedEx stadium sign!
Quite a few sports bloggers have mentioned it, including Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post. Most significantly we are getting a ton of traffic from folks posting the link on Facebook and emailing it to their friends, so keep passing it on! (If you haven't done so already please read 4 Ways You Can Make the Sign Happen.)
Some writers are skeptical that we can actually pull this off. It is still a long shot, but the conditions for making it work are nearly perfect, and we've taken some big steps in the past few days.
I can promise you one thing: If this sign is staring Dan Snyder in the face on game day it will be reported by every major sports outlet in America. Dan Snyder will be a case study in poor public relations for a long, long time.
Update - Nov 4: Tons of visitors yesterday with links from Tuesday Morning Quarterback at ESPN and many, many others (twitter, blogs, message boards, and more).
linked from TMQ today....